Tourism Industry

Increasing Website Traffic and Keyword Rankings in 2 Months


Our goal was to significantly boost organic traffic and achieve top rankings for targeted keywords within a two-month period. This involved optimizing the client's website to attract more visitors and improve its visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs).


The client faced several obstacles, including:

  • Previous SEO efforts that did not yield satisfactory results.
  • Technical issues such as broken links, slow page loading speeds, and a poor website hierarchy.
  • A lack of topical authority, leading to low relevance and engagement.
  • Negative impacts from earlier strategies that needed to be mitigated.

Execution and Approach

To overcome these challenges, we adopted a comprehensive and methodical approach:

  • Site Audit: Conducted a thorough analysis of the website’s current state, identifying technical issues and areas for improvement.
  • Technical Optimization: Fixed broken links, improved page loading speeds, and restructured the website hierarchy for better navigation and user experience.
  • Content Strategy: Developed and optimized high-quality content focused on targeted keywords, establishing strong topical authority.
  • Backlink Building: Secured backlinks from reputable and authoritative sources to enhance the website's credibility and domain authority.


The following activities were undertaken as part of our strategy:

  • Comprehensive Site Audit: Identified and addressed technical SEO issues, including broken links and slow page speeds.
  • Website Restructuring: Improved the site’s hierarchy, making it easier for users and search engines to navigate.
  • Content Creation and Optimization: Produced high-quality, keyword-focused content to attract and engage visitors, and optimized existing content for better relevance and SEO performance.
  • Link Building: Built a network of backlinks from authoritative sources to boost the website’s domain authority and search engine rankings.
  • On-Page SEO: Optimized meta tags, headers, and images to ensure all on-page elements were aligned with best SEO practices.
  • Analytics and Monitoring: Continuously monitored website performance using analytics tools to track progress and make data-driven adjustments.


Our efforts yielded impressive results within the two-month timeframe:

  • Significant Increase in Organic Traffic: The website’s organic traffic surged by 4500%, attracting a substantially higher number of visitors.
  • Improved Conversion Rate: The conversion rate improved from 1% to 4%, indicating that the increased traffic was not only high in volume but also high in quality.
  • Top Keyword Rankings: Achieved top-ranking positions for the targeted keywords, enhancing the website’s visibility and reach on SERPs.
  • Enhanced User Experience: The technical optimizations and content improvements led to a better user experience, contributing to higher engagement and lower bounce rates.


By addressing the technical issues, restructuring the website, and implementing a robust content and backlink strategy, we were able to achieve substantial growth in organic traffic and improve keyword rankings. This case study demonstrates the effectiveness of a comprehensive SEO strategy in delivering measurable and impactful results within a short period. Our approach not only enhanced the client’s online presence but also set a solid foundation for sustained SEO success in the future.