Ed-Tech Industry

Transforming EdTech Success with SEO Mastery


Client: A comprehensive educational platform providing education to children from infancy (nido) through elementary school.

Goal: To dramatically increase website traffic, improve search engine rankings for key educational keywords, and enhance the conversion rate from 1% to 7% within 90 days.


  • Low Visibility: The website had minimal organic traffic and was not ranking for competitive educational keywords.
  • Content Gaps: There was a lack of high-quality, relevant content tailored to the target audience's search intent.
  • Technical SEO Issues: The website had several technical issues that impeded its search engine performance.
  • Low Conversion Rate: The existing user experience and conversion funnel were not optimized, resulting in a low conversion rate of 1%

Execution and Approach

Our approach was comprehensive, focusing on both on-page and off-page SEO, along with conversion rate optimization (CRO). We implemented a data-driven strategy, leveraging keyword research, competitor analysis, and user behavior insights.

Activities We Did

The following activities were undertaken as part of our strategy:

Keyword Research and Optimization
  • Conducted extensive keyword research to identify high-volume, low-competition keywords relevant to the EdTech niche, specifically focusing on terms related to early childhood education, nido programs, and elementary school curriculum.
  • Optimized existing content and created new high-quality content targeting these keywords, including blog posts, landing pages, and program descriptions.
Technical SEO Enhancements
  • Performed a thorough technical audit to identify and fix issues such as broken links, slow page speed, and mobile optimization.
  • Implemented schema markup to improve search engine understanding and visibility of the content.
Content Strategy
  • Developed a content calendar to ensure consistent publishing of valuable and engaging content.
  • Created a mix of informational and transactional content to cater to different stages of the buyer’s journey, including articles on child development, educational activities, and enrollment information.
Backlink Building
  • Executed a strategic link-building campaign to acquire high-quality backlinks from reputable educational websites and blogs.
  • Utilized guest posting, collaborations with influencers in the education sector, and digital PR to enhance domain authority.
User Experience and Conversion Optimization
  • Conducted A/B testing on landing pages to identify and implement elements that improved user engagement and conversion rates.
  • Streamlined the user journey by simplifying navigation, improving call-to-action (CTA) placements, and enhancing the overall website design.
Analytics and Monitoring
  • Set up comprehensive tracking using Google Analytics and other SEO tools to monitor traffic, rankings, and user behavior.
  • Regularly reviewed performance data to make informed adjustments and optimizations.


  • Traffic Increase: Achieved a 2500% increase in website traffic within 90 days, with a significant rise in organic traffic from search engines.
  • Top Rankings: Secured top positions for multiple competitive keywords related to early childhood education, nido programs, and elementary school curriculum.
  • Conversion Rate Boost: Increased the conversion rate from 1% to 7%, significantly enhancing lead generation and enrollment in programs.
  • Improved User Engagement: Noticed a marked improvement in user engagement metrics, including lower bounce rates and higher average session durations.


Through a targeted and well-executed SEO and CRO strategy, we transformed the educational platform's online presence, driving substantial growth in traffic, search rankings, and conversions. This case study underscores the power of a holistic approach to SEO and the impact it can have on achieving business objectives in the competitive educational sector. Our efforts not only increased visibility and user engagement but also established the platform as a leading resource for early childhood and elementary education.