Ecommerce Industry

Transforming E-commerce Traffic and Visibility with SEO


The primary objective was to significantly enhance the client's online visibility and drive organic traffic to their e-commerce platform. Specific goals included:

  • Increasing the total number of clicks to 9.43k within 90 days.
  • Doubling the number of impressions from 741k to 1.56M within the same period.
  • Improving keyword rankings to enhance search engine visibility and user engagement.
  • Technical SEO Issues: The website had several technical SEO issues, including slow loading times and poor mobile optimization.


The client faced several challenges that impeded their online growth:

  • Low Organic Traffic: The e-commerce platform struggled to attract organic visitors, relying heavily on paid advertising.
  • Poor Keyword Rankings: The website did not rank well for high-traffic keywords relevant to their niche, resulting in limited visibility.
  • Technical SEO Issues: The website had multiple technical SEO problems, including slow page load times, broken links, and improper site structure.
  • Content Deficiencies: There was a lack of high-quality, optimized content that resonated with the target audience.

Execution and Approach

To address these challenges, our SEO agency adopted a comprehensive approach:

  • Technical SEO Audit: Conducted a thorough technical audit to identify and rectify issues affecting site performance.
  • Keyword Research and Optimization: Identified high-value keywords and implemented on-page SEO strategies to optimize existing content and create new, targeted content.
  • Content Strategy: Developed a content plan focused on creating engaging, keyword-rich blog posts, product descriptions, and landing pages.
  • Link Building: Implemented a white-hat link-building strategy to improve domain authority and backlink profile.
  • Performance Monitoring: Used advanced analytics tools to monitor traffic, keyword rankings, and user behavior, allowing for data-driven adjustments.

Activities We Did

Technical SEO Enhancements
  • Improved page load times by optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, and minimizing code.
  • Ensured the website was fully responsive and provided a seamless mobile user experience.
  • Implemented structured data to enhance search engine understanding of content and improve SERP features.
Keyword Optimization:
  • Conducted comprehensive keyword research to identify primary and secondary keywords.
  • Optimized meta tags, headers, and on-page content with targeted keywords.
  • Created new landing pages for high-priority keywords.
On-Page SEO
  • Optimized all title tags and meta descriptions to include targeted keywords and improve click-through rates.
  • Structured content using H1, H2, and H3 tags to improve readability and SEO.
  • Created a robust internal linking structure to enhance navigation and distribute link equity.
Content Creation and Optimization
  • Published regular blog posts addressing common customer queries, industry trends, and product guides.
  • Enhanced product descriptions with detailed, keyword-rich content to improve rankings and user experience.
  • Developed new landing pages targeting specific keywords and user intents.
Link Building and Outreach
  • Secured guest posting opportunities on relevant, high-authority websites to build backlinks.
  • Partnered with industry influencers to generate buzz and attract backlinks.
  • Identified and replaced broken links on external sites with our content.


The comprehensive SEO strategy led to remarkable improvements in the client's online performance over 90 days:

  • Total Clicks: Increased from 4.2k to 9.43k, more than doubling the number of organic clicks.
  • Impressions: Grew from 741k to 1.56M, significantly enhancing visibility in search results.
  • Keyword Rankings: Achieved top rankings for several high-traffic keywords, driving sustained organic traffic.
  • Conversion Rate: Improved overall user engagement and conversion rates, leading to increased sales and revenue.


Our strategic approach to SEO transformed the client's e-commerce platform, driving substantial growth in organic traffic and visibility. By addressing technical issues, optimizing content, and building high-quality backlinks, we exceeded the client's expectations and set a solid foundation for continued success. This case study demonstrates the power of a well-executed SEO strategy in achieving significant and measurable results within a short timeframe.